Go here to read my thoughts on the last 2 years.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Pioneer Children
Trek was such a wonderful experience. I wish I could put into words the feelings that working hard and playing hard under such different circumstances produces, but unless you've been there, you just can't explain it. My kids endured blisters, heat, and the women did an incredible job pulling the cart up the hill on the womens pull. My boys even carried one of my girls for a short distance, each taking a turn so they could get her to the medical tent in a hurry. She was fine, but it was still scary and heartwarming to see them take such a responsibility for their sister.
I would do Trek again in a second. I loved it, hated it, grew so much, and discovered that there is no way in Hell I could have been a true pioneer. The Lord sent me here at this time and place for a purpose, and although life is still hard, the physical struggles of the handcart pioneers would have killed me.
Monday, July 12, 2010
A Plan Of Action
Remember how my husband lost his job? Remember how we moved back to Utah for school? Remember how we gave up much of what we had so we could afford to live on savings and my sole income so Sean could go to school?
That is our plan.
I just thought I'd reiterate that point since sometimes I forget that there is a greater purpose to all this.
Tell me we aren't the first people in the world to go to school with kids and no job. Tell me it's a noble cause, and we're doing the right thing. Tell me it's okay to want for things and not be able to have them because it's only temporary and soon enough things will be fine.
I promise we're not deadbeats. I promise Sean isn't just lying around being lazy on the days he doesn't have school. I promise that despite his pretty loaded down schedule, he still applies for numerous jobs, pays the bills, does laundry, and cleans the house.
I know so many people who go to school and work. I admire that. I really do. And trust me, if that opportunity came our way, we would totally do it too. But at this time, there is no other choice. Jobs aren't plentiful for what Sean does, so pickings are slim. It's not a matter of if he wants a job, it a matter of there just aren't any out there.
But again, we have a plan.
I just need to be reminded. Again. I tend to forget. And I think some people think we're just being lazy. I promise, there is a higher purpose to all this. One day it will be worth it. One day.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Free To Speak
Happy 4th of July. Even though it's the 5th. But since today is the holiday from work, er, I mean school, I'm celebrating today.
So here's to freedom.
One of my favorite freedoms? Freedom of speech, of course! I love being able to say what I want, when I want, and to whom I want. That pretty much rocks.
And all the others are pretty awesome, too.
So take some time today and say whatever the heck you want, just because you can.
And then remember our other freedoms, and the fact that they are priceless.