Friday, May 11, 2012


Running has become my friend.  At long last.  I finished my first 10k on Earth Day, April 21st, and it was a pretty big deal to me.  Then last weekend I was lucky enough to have a couple of days of no internet or phone service at the cabin and I ran every morning and did yoga on the deck each afternoon.  There isn't much that soothes the soul like that does.  It felt so good to finally get in touch with myself again.  I have been running around from job to job like a crazy person, and I needed to get centered.   Now I have a whole new appreciation for yoga and running.  This weekend is tough.  Tougher than I remember it being in a long time.  I miss my mom.  I miss my kids.  But I can do this.  I am also tougher than I realized.  Mother's Day is hard and having met some amazing people in my life lately has made it much easier to get through, thank goodness.  But don't take your moms for granted, please.  Pretty please?  Just tell her you love her.  Tell her you are grateful for everything she has done for you, because odds are you have no idea what she has really done for you.  I know I had no idea until it was too late.  And I regret every moment I missed. 
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