But I should probably give a little update so you all know what's going on in this head of mine.
First, Sean is scheduled to have his hernia surgery on Monday. The 21st. Like 4 days before Christmas. Sounds like bad timing, but it's a blessing really. Pray that it all goes well, and that he recovers quickly.
Second, despite looking for a job here in Illinois, there is this gaping hole on Sugar Daddy's resume. See, he never finished college. I know! But he was too busy working is way up through the company, and now here we are. So thanks to the help of our families, he will be starting school in January or March, depending on...
Third, we will be moving back to Utah as soon as Sean is healed and ready. He'll be starting school full time there. We're shooting for just after the New Year, but we'll see how that goes. His health and safety are most important, so that is the determining factor.
Fourth, there was a big post coming about our new house, with pictures and everything, but now that we'll be moving, it doesn't seem post-worthy. It's too bad, too, because we really love it. But it's just a thing, and things come and go.
So there you have it. Pretty much our life in a nutshell for today. I'm so grateful for the positive and uplifting thoughts and prayers. We truly know how blessed we are. I'll be posting daily, and hopefully not just about this, but mostly about this, because this is my life, and I have to write this stuff down, or my brain hurts.
Sorry that you have to go through all this, but we are so excited to have you closer (like almost next door). Let us know how Sean does and if you need to vent you know where to call. Love ya
Hang in there. It's a long process. I still get mad about it all now and then. Now we can get together and cry and scream together.
What a whirlwind your last few days have been. I've been thinking about you a lot and praying for you guys! I guess one positive thing out of all of this is that you'll be able to come back to your family and loved ones!
Hang in there. You've been in my thoughts the last few days. Things will get better. Good luck with things this week!
Good luck to Sean on the sugery...is he already talking about a nurse outfit with the recovery? he he he. Thats cool you guys are moving back here though!
At least you wont have to endure the freezing temps of Illinois...Just the semi freezing of Utah.
Good luck with the surgery and the move west. :)
We're really going to miss you but I can't say I blame you for moving. Can we bring you pizza or taco bell on Monday? I know. So healthy, but you know me. I don't do the cooking thing so well. We're praying for you.
Pursuing your education is always a good thing!
I'm sad. Just as we were getting the ball rolling. I hope we end up in your neck of the woods again one day. And hopefully that neck is Utah, because that means I would be home too! Best of luck to you.
Keli, UTAH? Come on Utah doesn't need you guys. Chicago Burbs need you. They don't shoot mormons here anymore and Utah has enough of them. Stay here..
Ok so get that education then bring everyone back here.
I know selfish huh? But Hey I just met you and really like you.
You got talent girl.
Like I said before, Things will work out, they always do.
We (your readers)knew we were the best it is about time you figured that out! LOL ! Love you! I hope all goes well with the surgery, move and CHRISTMAS!
Keli...I'm so bad...I've been stalking you since I found you and keep up with you and all your fun happenings. So sorry to hear about Sean...but happy to hear he's going back to school and back in Utah! Woot woot. I hope you'll be back in our area...good luck to you and the fam. I hope our paths cross again.
Sean and Keli, I am so sorry! Supposedly the economy is recovering but I'm not sure I believe it! Tom was in school for 10 years of our married life. It all goes very quickly. He didn't start medical school until he was 29 and was 36 when he finished his residency. It has all been worth it. It just takes a lot of hard work and it sounds like you two are up for it. May God bless you and your family! Love, Tom and Leslie
Back to Utah?!? Are you excited to be so close to your family? Dumb question. I'm sure you are. Hope everything is working out okay...
So were you able to sell your old house before you moved into your new one?
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