Saturday brought some much needed highlights to Meg, which I was glad to do, since she's my favorite baby sister and all. And in return, she taught my kids how to plant peas. I think it's a fair trade.
Please excuse the awesome quality of my cell phone camera. It's apparently been dropped a few too many times, and, well, I don't really have an excuse.

Getting the ground ready for the peas. The older kids were all about the worms, Gretta, not so much. She thinks they're snakes. If we were still in Illinois, she would be close, since we saw worms there reach nearly a foot in length. Gross.

Mags getting all up in it. She was quite intent on making sure the holes were deep enough. They were. This is a big step for Maggie. She hated nature and nature related things until, well, Saturday. Go Mags!

And the best shot of them all. Sorry Meg, I couldn't resist. But really, if my butt looked that cute from behind, I'd plaster it all over my blog, too, so you're welcome.
On a side note, all day Saturday Gretta would call Meg Nunny. That's what the kids called my mom. She knows Meg, she's always called her Meg, or Mimi, but this particular day she was intent on calling her Nunny. Maybe my mom was haunting us while we were highlighting hair.
Mom, if you were, keep it up.

Lots of ladies out here missing you and your mad highlighting skills!
I'm not ganna lie the whole calling Meg Nunny brought a little tear to my eye. I must be hormonal! That is the answer I give to all emotional outbursts.
Hmmm.....I could sure use a color. If I provided the color and you some cash and lunch at my house would you consider?
Awww. Also a little teary. Grets has always been the smart one!! Meg, I want you butt on my blog too!! :) It is adorable! Save me some peas. I will be there in June!
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